Why can I not order a product I've seen in the brochure?
To make sure our range is as fresh as possible and in line with what our customers want, product ranges can change. If you're unable to pick something from our brochure, take a look at our Food To Order website and check if we still have that product available. Our Food To Order page is consistently updated so this will always have the best information regarding product availability.
Some products may not be available when making your order, this can be due to them needing a long notice period to make sure they're going to be available and avoid any disappointment. If you find you can't pick a product try changing the collection slot, allowing more time might mean you're able to select the product you want.
As each store is unique certain stores may not have the facilities available to make some of the fresh products for our Food To Order service. If you're unable to add a certain product to your order check what facilities the store has on our Store Finder and check out the in-store services. If the store doesn't have a Cake Shop or a Party Zone this means certain products may not be available in that store. Not to worry though, check other stores in the area, if they have the facility you need then they'll be able to add the product to your order, simply change the store to this one and collect your order from there.
Updated on: 10 October 2022